Health & Safety:

The health & safety of our employees is a prime focus area for CIE Automotive for which all necessary resources are devoted each year.

Occupational health and safety are managed on a decentralised basis. CIE Automotive has inhouse training facility (Dexterity Centre) for providing Health & safety awareness to all the employees and their sub-contractors. The major focus area is supervisors’ trainings, accident prevention and Safety Standards Implementation. Plant Manager take cares the overall Health & Safety Management of the employees in all its plants.

That effort is shored up by a corporate health and safety department which regularly audits the plants and serves as contact point for issues related with occupational health and safety.

At the factory level, the safety staff inspect the adequacy of the company’s facilities, conduct emergency evacuation drills, provide training, assist with incident investigations, and carry out awareness drives.

Promotional activities are being organized regularly by its all plants during National Safety Week, Fire Safety Week and Road Safety Week. Employees are rewarded through Reward & Recognition Policy on weekly basis to promote health & safety kaizens, suggestions, near miss reporting etc.

Health and Safety Training :

Employees receive safety training tailored to the’ risks posed by their jobs. CIE India has setup state of the art facilities in their Dexterity Centres to provide health & safety awareness through 10 days dedicated schedule which includes On-the-job trainings. In 2021 CIE Automotive provided health and safety training to 7600 employees and contractors’ workers.

To improve safety risk perception of the front-line supervisors “Re-calibrating Safety” project was launched in CY-22 to train 1000 numbers of supervisors.

Top Leadership commitment :

Safety and Health performance of all divisions is reviewed in monthly business review meeting before P&L review, apart from this CEO holds a weekly call with all safety team and operations heads to review the status of incidents, learnings for HD and safety kaizens. Around 120 such weekly calls have been conducted so far.

We measure our performance on lead indicators namely, Leadership Talk, Near Miss Reporting, Safety Trainings, Safety Kaizens, Theme Based Inspection, Behaviour Based Safety, rather than lag indicators. Even progress on these lead indicators is shared with the board on quarterly basis and internally it is review monthly in MRMs.

Certifications :

The 2020-25 ESG Strategic Plan reaffirms employee health and safety as one of CIE Automotive’s top priorities: 88% of the CIE India current facilities are ISO 45001 certified.